The Collection Stories
A star-studded dry january: When haute cuisine introduces “alcohol-free” in style
Dry January has never been so festive!
For Dry January, restaurant Trente Trois is offering a festive non-alcoholic menu, pairing drinks with truffle-based dishes. Whether you’re a fan of the alcohol-free month or simply curious about new taste experiences, now’s the time to extend the end-of-year festivities with gourmet pairings.

Five-course menu: Truffled dishes and non-alcoholic beverages
- French Bloom Blanc and Samphire, the chic alternative to champagne, offering bubbles without the euphoria but with all the glamour – Paired with Coast Scallops from the Breton coast, celery, lovage, and black truffles.
- Elderflower, Bergamot, and Jerusalem Artichoke Cocktail, light and a tribute to nature – Elevated with Jerusalem artichoke, watercress, samphire, and black truffles for a plunge into the wild.
- Maison Villeroy Signature Cocktail with Lapsang Souchong smoked black tea and dried mushroom infusion – Accompanied by Normande Breed Beef Rossini, a bold and smoky twist on the classic pairing.
- Virgin Muscat by Maison Petit Béret with a truffle extraction, a wave of alcohol-free freshness – Married to Truffled Brie de Meaux, for a melting harmony.
- Copenhagen Sparkling Tea, organic tea, fine bubbles – Paired with Madagascar Chocolate by Maison Berger, pecans, white coffee, and black truffles, a delicate waltz for the palate.
La Figaro Vin : “How non-alcoholic beverages and wines suddenly found their way into France’s top restaurants” par Fabien Humbert
- Le Journal du Dimanche : “Dry January: tips for a successful alcohol-free month” par Sophie Gachet
- Le Bonbon : “7 Parisian addresses to make the most of Dry January 2025” par Lucie Guerra